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Jul 30, 2013 Carol Pierson Holding

So Long Until September

By Carol Pierson Holding

To my readers,

I’m writing today to let you know I’m going on sabbatical for six weeks to work on a longer piece.

For the last two years, this blog has been my curriculum in environmental activism. It’s been my practice, my meditation, my energy source. It’s how I came to feel a part of this strange place I moved to in 2009, this most gorgeous Pacific Northwest.

Most of all, it has been a fabulous opportunity to commune with you courtesy of CSRHub’s wonderful team – Cynthia Figge, Ruth Edwards and Bahar Gidwani. Those individuals contribute mightily to keeping companies doing the right thing by measuring and reporting their CSR performance. I am proud to be associated with them.

And how can I thank you, readers, for stopping by every two weeks? I hope you enjoy it one iota as much as I do. If you want to check back on any of my 64 (64!!) posts, please visit me at http://www.csrhub.com/blog/author/carol-pierson-holding.

I’ll be back in September, refreshed and rejuvenated, and hopefully with a manuscript well on its way.

Thank you and so long for now,

Carol Pierson Holding

Carol Pierson Holding writes on environmental issues and social responsibility for policy and news publications, including the Carnegie Council's Policy Innovations, Harvard Business Review, San Francisco Chronicle, India Time, The Huffington Post and many other web sites. Her articles on corporate social responsibility can be found on CSRHub.com, a website that provides sustainability ratings data on 7,400 companies worldwide. Carol holds degrees from Smith College and Harvard University.


Published by Carol Pierson Holding July 30, 2013